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Imagen de  fondo

Uploading a picture

You can upload a picture from your computer to this server, and this picture will be used in various places to represent you.

For this reason, the best images to use are a close-up of your face, but you can use any image you like.

The picture must be in JPG or PNG format (ie the names will usually end in .jpg or .png).

You can get a picture file using a number of methods e.g.

  1. Using a digital camera, your photos will most likely already be on your computer in the right format.
  2. You can use a scanner to scan a printed photograph to an image file.
  3. If you're artistic, you might draw a picture using a paint program.

Whichever method you choose make sure the image file you want to use is in JPG or PNG format.

To upload the image, click the "Browse" button on this editing page, and select the image from your hard disk.

NOTE: Make sure that the file is not larger than the maximum size listed, or it will not be uploaded.

Then click "Update my Profile" at the bottom - the image file will be cropped to a square and resized down to 100x100 pixels.

When you are taken back to your profile page, the image might not appear to have changed. If this is so, just use the "Reload" button in your browser.

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